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Story Event-My promise to you [From His POV]




The memories of a certain day still linger in his mind.
As he shares them with you, you make a promise to one day share your love forever.

Let me swear to you now-I will do everything I can to make you happy.

(I could tell her I love her a thousand times over, and it wouldn't be enough.)

Let the memories from his past lead you to a bright future together...

♡ Choose from Alyn, Giles, Byron, Sid, or Rayvis ♡


[Make an Eternal Vow]







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A gentle breeze caressed my skin one beautiful night...
The moonlight shone on the path ahead as I rode in my carriage.
Nico:It was a beautiful ceremony, wasn't it?
I'd just attended the wedding of a prince and princess from another country,
and Nico came along as my attendant.
Nico:The party after the ceremony was really fun, too.
Nico:Especially when they put that painting up.
Towards the end of the party,
the bride and groom both presented each other with a painting of a place that was special to them.
Then they each gave a speech,
and I could tell just how much they cared for each other.

(They both looked so happy...)
(It put me in a happy mood, too!)

As I thought back on the ceremony,
Nico suddenly let out a little noise as if just remembering something.
Nico:Oh, that reminds me! Did you know the people in Wysteria are doing that lately, too?
Jily:Hm? Doing what?
Nico:They take the person they want to marry to a special place.
Nico:And they have the ceremony there and give each other presents that represent memories they've shared.
Nico:But everyone has a different idea of what they want their wedding to be like.

(My wedding, huh...)
(Since I'm the princess,)
(I won't be able to get married anytime soon.)

Jily:That all sounds really sweet.
I bet sharing memories like that...
brings you even closer to the person you love.

(What would be our special place?)

I started thinking about the day when we'd promise eternity to each other...






◆ Select a Suitor ◆

Who will you choose?
Choose and your story will start.


>>>Choose Alyn

>>>Choose Giles

>>>Choose Byron

>>>Choose Sid

>>>Choose Rayvis








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