Collection event-Aphrodite's Spell

From 02/21 10:00 am to 03/02 10:00 am!


Read the story and collect Insignia!
Use 10 Insignia to get all kinds of limited edition attire and useful items.
You can also get bonus side stories!
Use enough Insignia and get to one of Louis or Sid's Main Story endings during the event to get a special set with them!
You receive a gift along with a note that saysー
A gift to get closer to your loved one.
The sexy scent is about to drive your guy wild―
Giles "Please don't run from me.
Giles "You're the one who turned me on."
Leo "I like your perfume. Did you put it on just for me?
Leo "You smell so sweet... Almost too sweet. Mm, Jily, what've you done to me?"
Byron "This sweet scent makes me feel... strange.
Byron "It's because you're acting too cute."
Sid "Are ya seducing me?
Sid "I'm tellin' ya that you smell sexy."
Rayvis "I can't wash you if you keep fidgeting.
Rayvis "You smell really good. I feel like I'm drowning in this scent."
The sweet scent is about to make your day even sweeter―




Read Prologue >>>


It was a quiet afternoon, with a gentle breeze swaying the flowers in the courtyard.
Nico "Hi, Jily. How are you doing?"
Nico came in as I was about to take a break from my duties.
He had a handful of wrapped gifts in his hand, and I looked at him in surprise.
Jily "Good... But what are all those?"
Nico "They're gifts to you from the aristocrats."
I blinked a couple of times seeing the mountain of gifts now piled up on my desk.
Jily "All of these?"
Nico "It's a bit late, but it seems like some Valentine's Day gifts are mixed in."
Jily "I'll have to get a lot of thank you cards ready."
As grateful as I was to receive these gifts, I didn't want to imagine how many cards I'd have to write.
Nico and I looked through the gifts and the cards that were sent a long with. One particular message stood out.
Nico "Is something wrong?"
Nico peered into my face as I continued to stare at the card.
Jily "Nico... What do you think this means?"
Nico "'A gift to get closer to your loved one'?
Nico "What was the gift?"

(Oh, yeah. I should've unwrapped it first before asking.)

Jily "Sorry, I'll open it right now."
I untied the ribbon on the small box.
The moment I opened the box, a sweet, sensual aroma filled the air.

(It smells wonderful!)

Jily "Is it perfume?"
I took out the small gift from the box and opened a smaller box within.
The scent smelled even stronger and more exotic now, and I closed my eyes to take in a deep breath.
Nico "Wow, it smells amazing."
Nico said with a smile while also taking in a breath.
Jily "It really does."

(This might be my favorite scent yet.)

Nico looked into the box to look for any clues to what the scent might be made of.
Nico "Ah, there's a card in here too."
He took out the small card from the bottom of the box, and we read the message together. "This scent only works on men when they are in front of the person they like."
Nico "Is it a warning of some kind?"
Jily "I honestly have no idea."

(What does all this mean? So it's an... aphrodisiac type of thing?)

I frowned, trying to figure out what the message meant, but Nico just chuckled.
Nico "I don't think you have anything to worry about, though."
Jily "You think so?"
Nico "I'm a man, and I like you, but nothing is happening.
Nico "Maybe it only works on the guy you like?"
Jily "If only that were true."
I jokingly sighed back as Nico teased me.

(It's probably just an interesting way to sell things.)

Jily "I'll try using it some time. It smells too good to let it go to waste."
Nico "I agree! The scent really fits you, too!"

(I wonder how he'll react when I use this?)

I looked down at my gift, and felt my heart flutter with excitement.







Reward for 50 Insignia Sid's Bonus Story


The moonlight seeped in through the large window, dying the room in a soft, silver color.
Since I had a promise to see Sid tonight, I was at the Grandier Mansion, waiting for him.
The maid who had guided me to his room had told me that Sid's work was taking longer than planned.

(I wonder what he'll think of this scent?)

I had put on the body cream that I had received the other day.
I sat down on the sofa and held my wrist up to my nose.

(I still don't know what the message on the card meant, but it really smells nice.
(I hope Sid'll think the same, too.)

I tried to imagine all the possible reactions Sid might have, one imagination including a sweet kiss from him.
The door opened while I was still busy imagining things, and Sid came in.
Jily "Hey, Sid."
Sid looked over towards me and started lazily walking over to me with a grin on his lips.
Sid "Were you a good girl?"
Sid ruffled my hair with his hand.
Jily "Ugh, Sid, how many times do I have to tell you not to mess up my hair!"
I grabbed his wrist to stop him from doing anything else to my carefully done updo.
However, I couldn't stop a smile from escaping. It'd been a while since I had last seen him, after all.
Then Sid suddenly blinked and looked down into my eyes.
Sid "Are you seducing me?"
Jily "Um... Not particularly."
Sid "I'm tellin' ya that you smell sexy."

(I knew he'd notice!)

Jily "I got a nice body cream as a gift, so I put some of it on today."
Sid "Huh.
Sid "That's awfully cute of you."
Sid sat down beside me, hooking his finger onto my chin, and bringing it upwards.
The warmth of his fingers seemed to spread through me.
He was staring at me so intensely that I started to get embarrassed, and I took his hand on my chin with both hands.
Jily "I hope I'm not bothering you by coming today. You must be tired."

(But I wanted to see you so badly, I can't bring myself to leave even if you did say yes.)

I chuckled at my own selfishness and missed Sid's troubled expression.
Sid "Geez."
Without warning, Sid scooted closer to me and kissed my hair.
Sid "Ya really have no idea how you affect me, do ya?"
His voice was barely above a whisper, but it made me shiver with excitement.
Jily "Ooph, what?"
Before I realized what was happening, Sid was holding me in both arms and walking over to the bed.
He lay me down on his soft bed and got on top of me.
Jily "W-Wait!"
Sid "I'm done waitin'."
He eyes were lit up with desire, and all of a sudden I didn't mind his hands pinning my wrists down to the bed.
Sid "You smell so incredibly sweet."
He trapped me inside his arms and kissed me roughly.
I responded with the same urgent kiss.
Sid slid his tongue into my mouth and tangled it with mine.
But unlike his rough kiss, his hands caressing my back were kind and gentle.
Jily "That feels so good."
Sid "Mm, I like that voice. It sounds just as sweet as this scent."
I looked up at Sid in a daze and lifted my arms to hug him closer.
The scent from my arms tickled my nose as I did so, and I remembered the words on the card.

(Was this what the card meant when it said get 'closer'?)

Jily "Sid?"
I called his name breathlessly.
Jily "Is this because I'm wearing this body cream?"
Sid "Hm?"
Sid looked at me and then drew his lips up into a smirk.
Sid "It's true that you look sexier with this sweet scent."
Jily "I knew it."
I muttered, but Sid's reaction wasn't quite what I expected it to be.
Sid "Ya still don't get it.
Sid "If you weren't so attractive, the scent would mean nothing to me."
Jily "You mean that?"
My heart skipped a beat at his words.
Sid "I'll teach you the answer to that question till you're sore.
Sid "So be ready for it, Jily."
And just like he had announced,
Sid "taught" me the answer until I was sore, as the moon shone brightly overhead.
And I loved every bit of it.



Reward for 250 Insignia Giles's Bonus Story



Reward for 280 Insignia Rayvis's Bonus Story



Reward for 340 Insignia Leo's Bonus Story



Reward for 380 Insignia Byron's Bonus Story









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