Don't Wanna Miss You [His POV](Prologue)

♡ Story Event ♡

From 08/19 10:00 am to 08/30 10:00 am

A ban is placed between you and your lover.

"All I wanted was to be with you. To hold you in my arms."

Find out how he feels about it and you through a story written from his POV!

♡Choose from Louis, Sid, Giles, Nico and Byron♡

[Go See Him ♡]






It was a calm, peaceful morning, and the birds were chirping sweetly in the courtyard.
One of the maids had told me something that had startled me, and I hurried through the palace.
I was heading for Giles's room, so that I could find out more details.

(I really wasn't expecting this,
(and at the very least I'd like to know what's going on!)

I stopped in front of Giles's door to catch my breath for a moment before knocking.
Jily "Giles, it's Jily. Do you have a moment?"
Giles "Come in."
I was relieved to hear him sounding calm, and I opened the door to his room.
I stepped inside, shutting the door behind me, and found Giles and Leo sitting across from each other at Giles's desk.
They both turned towards me, and Leo gave me a friendly smile.
Leo "Good morning, Jily."
Jily "Good morning. I'm sorry, were you in the middle of something?"
They'd both looked so serious when I'd first walked in, and I couldn't help feeling concerned.
But Giles gave me a reassuring smile, his voice smooth as he said,
Giles "Don't worry, you're not interrupting anything important.
Giles "But is something the matter? It's not like you to come by this early."
Jily "One of my maids told me something this morning, and I wanted to ask you about it.
Jily "She said something about a ban..."
I trailed off as Giles nodded immediately, and that was enough to tell me it was true.
Giles "I see. Yes, your maid was correct.
Giles "In fact, Leo and I were just in the middle of discussing the matter."
Jily "Really?"
Leo "I'm only here because the bureaucrats were involved in this particular decision.
Leo "But I imagine it's a bit of shock to hear that something that's been perfectly fine until now is suddenly banned."
Jily "Yeah."
According to the maid, this particular thing was being banned starting the next day.
It was only for a short time, but I couldn't help feeling confused about the whole thing.
Giles "I understand how you must be feeling. However, remember that this is all related to your work as the princess.
Giles "I hope you will continue to work hard, just as you've always done."
Jily "Of course."

(I guess you're right.
(It's not some completely random ban.
(This is to do with my work.)

I thanked the both of them and stepped out of the room again, trying to reassure myself.
The corridors of the palace were still quiet at that early hour, and all I could hear was the chirping of the birds from outside.

(I'm the princess, and I always want to do my best, especially when it comes to my work.
(But... I can't help wondering what he's going to think about this.)

My skirts swirled around my legs as I walked down the corridor, an image of the man I loved flashing through my mind...




◆ Select a Suitor ◆

Who will you choose?
Choose and your story will start.


>>>Choose Louis

>>>Choose Giles

>>>Choose Sid

>>>Choose Nico

>>>Choose Byron




    創作者 小澤亞緣(吉琳) 的頭像


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