Collection event-Romantic Summer

From 07/31 10:00 am to 08/10 10:00 am

Read the story and collect Insignia!
Use 10 Insignia to get all kinds of limited edition attire and useful items.
You can also get bonus side stories!

Use enough Insignia and get to one of Giles's or Nico's Main Story endings during the event to get a special set with them!

All new Collection Event, Romantic Summer, is now here!
Collect Insignia, and use them to get lots of limited edition attire and useful items!
You can get Insignia by logging in every day, reading the main story, and doing Princess Lessons.
For every 10 Insignia that you use,
you're guaranteed an item, attire piece, or bonus story.
Don't miss out on cute avatars!
Tons of other limited time only avatars for you to get too!
If you get 400 Insignia and
finish reading Giles's or Nico's main route during this time,
you'll get a special set of them ♪
Get cute marine themed attire and
a gorgeous summer background to go with!




The summer heat is almost too much for you to bear.
But you find that it makes you more bold, and tonight's dessert is your lover ♥️
Louis "So we won't get separated. Is that okay?
Louis "I bet that even if we kissed right here, they wouldn't notice."
Giles "Will you grant me one wish?
Giles "Your face is all red... Perhaps, it's from the heat?"
Leo "Use this, Jily.
Leo "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you get wet?"
Sid "Glad ya think so. Careful though, it's pretty strong.
Sid "You, my princess, sure are a handful."
Rayvis "It's a reward for all your hard work.
Rayvis "I didn't want your pretty dress to get dirty."
Your heart pounds, and you look at him with feverent desire.
Enjoy this summer like you never have before―




Read the Prologue Here
Read Prologue>>>


It was still early in the morning, but the clear blue sky was the very picture of summer─
I'd come to the courtyards to take a short break before getting back to duty.

(It's going to be another hot day today.)

Water from the water fountain sprinkled on my skin with the breeze, and I welcomed the cool sensation.
I stepped closer to the fountain when I saw Robert coming my way.
Robert "Good morning, Jily. Are you taking a break?"
Jily "Yes. I was trying to cool off. Are you out for a walk, Robert?"
Robert "I am. I was cooped up in my atelier, and I wanted to get some fresh air."
Another gust of wind blew, splattering us with drops of cool water.
Robert "You found a nice spot. Mind if I take a break with you?"
Jily "It'd be my pleasure."
We both sat on the edge of the fountain,
Robert "It's gotten hot recently, but are you doing all right?
Robert "You're a hard worker, so I was a bit worried."
I smiled, relaxing in Robert's kindness.
Jily "Thank you. I managed to get a day of vacation, so that's been keeping my motivation up."
Robert "That's good to hear. Will you go on a date with your boyfriend during your vacation?"
Jily "Well...yes."
I thought about how we planned on spending our time together, and I realized I was blushing.
Robert just looked at me tenderly.
Robert "I hope you enjoy your time. Ah, but let me give you one warning.
Robert "Don't let the heat tempt you to do normally wouldn't do."
Jily "Of course."
I was caught off guard, but I responded with a smile.
Robert "I'm kidding. You deserve to have some fun."
Jily "Thanks."
I looked at the fountain and...
and thought about what 'fun' our date might entail─




Reward for 50 Insignia Sid's Bonus Story


The silver moonlight seeped in through the window.
I had finally finished a big job today, and Sid had invited me to the Grandier Mansion to relax.
I sat on the sofa, eyeing the bottle of liquor on the table.
Sid "As a reward for getting through your duties even though I know just how much ya missed me.
Sid "I got us some special liquor for tonight."
Sid winked at me teasingly, and I responded with a raised eyebrow.
Jily "My you're so kind, Sid."

(I guess this means he missed me too, though.)

I smiled at the thought while watching Sid pour the drink into our glasses.
Jily "I've never seen this kind of liquor before. The color reminds me of the ocean. It's beautiful."
I stared at the blue colored drink, mesmerized by it's beauty.
Sid "It's a rare liquor that uses iris to make it turn this color.
Sid "A merchant I knew got this when he went overseas to do business.
Sid "He gave it to me as a thank you for providing him information. Ain't it nice havin' an information broker as a boyfriend?"
Sid's confident smirk brought a smile to my own lips.
Jily "I knew I kept you around for a reason."
Sid "I hope it's not just for the good alcohol."
Jily "Of course I love all the other gifts you receive from your customers, too."
Sid "Aw, c'mon. How 'bout my charming wits and my pretty face?"
Sid teased, and I pretended to think about it.
Jily "Well... I suppose I do like your face. I'm not sure if I'd call it pretty, but I do love that sexy smirk."
Sid froze with his mouth slightly open. He probably hadn't expected me to agree.
It wasn't everyday that I could catch Sid by surprise, and I raised my glass to my lips with a grin.
Jily "Oh, wow. This is good."
Sid "Glad ya think so. Careful though, it's pretty strong."
Sid finally got over his surprise and sipped on his own glass.
We continued to talk for a while, our conversation ranging from politics to simple, everyday life things.
Jily "You know... I think these moments I spend with you like this are my favorite moments of all."
Sid "Hm?"

(Ah, that was pretty cheesy even for me.)

My face flushed, and I was glad the lights were dim in this room.
Sid "Are ya drunk already?"
Jily "No, I'm... Uh, actually, maybe I am."
I was far from being drunk, but that seemed like a very good excuse at the moment.
I decided that I was very, very drunk.
Sid "Didn't I warn ya to be careful?
Sid "You, my princess, sure are a handful."
Contrary to the words, Sid's tone suggested that he was amused more than anything.
And when he suddenly picked me up to carry me to the bed, his arms were everything but unkind.

(I hate lying, but I do like how he's extra gentle when he thinks I'm drunk.)

I wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled closer to him.
Sid sat on the bed, placing me sideways on his lap.
Jily "I wanted to see you so much, Sid. I kept thinking about you during work."
I wasn't going to admit that, but now that I was "drunk", I found it easier to say my true feelings out loud.
Something glinted in Sid's eyes.
Sid "It wasn't that hard to be honest, was it? Mm, I missed you, Jily."
He murmured softly.

(I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so.)

Happiness spread through my body like a warm light, along with my love for the man in front of me.
It made me feel bold, and I kissed him on the lips.
Jily "I wanted to touch you like this, Sid."

(I wanted to touch you all over, kiss you, and feel your warmth.)

Sid "You've done it now."
Sid's surprise vanished in less than a second, and all of a sudden, I found myself pinned down to the bed.
Sid "I was gonna let you rest, since I figured you'd be exhausted after all that work...
Sid "But I'd be far from a good lover if I walked away leaving you wanting, wouldn't I?"
Sid teased in his smooth voice, and I met his challenging gaze.

(I do have the excuse of being drunk. Maybe I'll be able to say and do things I normally wouldn't?)

I was devising a plan when I noticed Sid's lips curl up into his trademark smirk.
Sid "Drunk or not, you're free to want whatever your heart desires."
Jily "...!"

(Oh, shoot. Did he figure out that I'm not actually drunk?)

Sid slowly lowered his head to cover my lips with his.
And all my worries disappeared...




Reward for 210 Insignia Leo's Bonus Story

White clouds wonderfully decorated the summer sky that day.
Leo and I had snuck out of the castle to secretly attend a festival happening at a town some ways from the castle.

(There's so many people!)

I looked around in awe at the crowd of laughing people and at the numerous small stands lined up for people to enjoy shopping.
One stand in particular, selling glass windchimes, caught my attention.
Jily "It sounds so beautiful."
Leo "It does. It's nice music in this heat."
There were many stalls selling items from other countries,
and my eyes lit up with excitement seeing, smelling, and hearing things I've never had before.
Jily "Even just looking at all these things is fun! Thanks for bringing me out here, Leo."
Leo smiled softly at me.
Leo "You're welcome.
Leo "But Jily..."
Jily "Yes?"
Leo's crimson eyes twinkled.
Leo "That outfit and hairstyle really suits you.
Leo "You look like you just stepped out of a fairytale."
I laughed at the dramatic expression, but it warmed me up all the same.

(I'm glad I took the effort dress up today.)

I had chosen a blue dress that had reminded me of the sea and put my hair up with a pin shaped like a shell.
I woke up extra early to put makeup on, even though I didn't think Leo would notice, but he had.
Leo "Hey, those stands over there looks like it has jewelry that you might like. Do you want to head over there?"
Jily "Of course!"
Leo offered me a hand, and we walked over to the section that sold jewelry. However, after we spent 30 minutes walking around...
an unusually cool wind brushed against my cheek. I looked up to see dark clouds rolling in.
Leo "We should probablyー"
Rain drops cut him off midsentence.
Leo "Sorry, I was too late. I should've seen the clouds faster."
Jily "I didn't see them either, and they also came out of nowhere."

(It was the picture perfect summer day until a few moments ago. I wouldn't blame anyone for not noticing.)

Leo "Use this, Jily."
Leo put his jacket over my head and then grabbed my hand.
He pulled me into a run, and we sprinted towards a shelter nearby.
Jily "I need to exercise more... I'm out of breath already."
I panted, trying to catch my breath, enviously eyeing Leo who didn't seem at all affected by the short run.
The rain was pounding on the windows hard, and the sky became even darker.
Leo "I heard that it sometimes suddenly rains like this during this season.
Leo "It's too bad it rained today of all days. There was still so much to see. I'm sorry about that."
Water dripped from Leo's hair. He reminded me of a wet puppy that even biting my lips couldn't stop me from smiling ear to ear.
Jily "I don't mind it one bit especially when I get to see you look this cute.
Jily "We had enough time to enjoy the festival before the rain, and it'll even be more memorable now."
I handed my handkerchief to Leo as I continued.
Jily "And if anyone's sorry, it should be me. You're all wet because you gave me your jacket."
Leo flashed me a smile.
Leo "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you get wet?
Leo "You planned that outfit, hair, and makeup for me, right? Then it's my job to make sure it doesn't get ruined."
He winked and then wiped his wet hands with my handkerchief.

(He's too good for me.)

Jily "You're going to catch a cold at this rate. Here, give me the handkerchief."
Wanting to return the kindness he had shown me, I used my handkerchief to try and dry his body.
I started with his hair, gently drying the strands.

(He has goosebumps on his skin...)

Feeling bad for thinking he looked cute wet, I hurried onto his body, carefully patting the handkerchief against his wet shirt.

(I hope he won't catch a cold because of me.)

Leo "...Is that an invitation?"
Suddenly, I heard a low voice against my ear.
I quickly flipped my head up, finding myself eye to eye with Leo.

(Invitation? Invitation to what?!)

I'd been too concentrated on drying him that I had no idea what he was talking about...
Until I realized that I had unbuttoned his shirt to dry his chest without his consent.
Jily "Ahhh, I'm sorry!"
Leo "And here I was, getting excited thinking it was an invitation to do something fun."
He silkily said, knowing very well how much I loved that voice.
Before I could make up an excuse, Leo chuckled lowly and pulled me into a hug.
Leo "I'm just kidding. Thank you, Jily."
He brushed his lips against my forehead.
His lips felt nice and cool against my skin that was still hot from being outside under the summer sun.

(Leo really knows how to make me feel loved.)

I buried my face against his chest, getting as close to him as I could.
Leo "I bet you don't realize how good you are at turning me on..."
Jily "Hm? Sorry, I didn't catch what you said."
The sound of rain and his heartbeat drowned out what he had muttered.
Leo's eyes softened.
Leo "I said that I don't want to pull away from this hug even after the rain ends."
Jily "Me neither."
I sighed happily and hugged him tighter.
As the rain continued, Leo lifted my chin up and gave me the most sweetest kiss.




Reward for 270 Insignia Giles's Bonus Story

The sun seemed to be sizzling up in the blue sky above.
Giles had offered to take me to a cottage near the sea to take a break from work.

(I'm so happy that Giles was the one who asked!)

I listened to the sound of waves and enjoyed the feeling of the sea breeze.
Even the sun looked different from the one I usually saw at the castle.

(The wind's nice, but it's getting pretty hot.)

I was about to get up to grab something to drink when...
Giles "Princess."
I felt Giles touch my shoulders and gently push me back down on to the chair.
Needless to say, I was surprised by his sudden appearance, but I was more surprised that he had a tea cup with him.
Giles "I got some mint tea for you.
Giles "It's cold, so I hope you can cool down a bit with this."
Jily "Oh, wow, thanks!"

(It's like he knew I was getting thirsty!)

I was happy to know that he was paying so much attention to me.
But a slightly irritated feeling also swirled inside me.

(Giles has his 'tutor' face on right now.)

Sipping the refreshing mint tea, I hesitantly opened my mouth.
Jily "I'm really grateful, but...
Jily "We're on vacation today...alone, with just the two of us."
It took some time to process my thoughts and to figure out a way to tell that to Giles.
Jily "There's no one watching, so I want us to be equal. Like a normal boyfriend and girlfriend."
Giles "...All right."
Giles nodded.
Giles "I apologize for making you worry about me.
Giles "But if you want us to be equal right now...
Giles "Will you grant me one wish?"
Jily "A wish? Name it."

(I have no idea what his wish is, but I'll grant it at all costs!)

Giles widened his smile, almost bewitching me with it.
I stared up at him with wide eyes.


Giles took my hand and led me to the beach.

(Is coming here what Giles wished for?)

Jily "Hey, Giles?"
I was about to ask, but the sound of waves crashing on nearby rocks drowned my voice.
Jily "Huh?!"
Giles suddenly lifted me up in both of his arms.
Now being eye to eye with him, I could feel my heart skip a beat.
Giles "I'm glad your feet didn't get wet."
Jily "You don't have to be that protective of me."
I chuckled as I told him so.
Giles held me closer against him, and then...
kissed me softly.
Jily "We're outside, Giles! We don't know who could be watching"
Giles "You're the one who said we were alone."
Jily "Ah..."
I tried to think of another excuse, but Giles stole all my words along with my reason with another kiss.
Giles "Your face is all red... Perhaps, it's from the heat?"

(Erghhh... He knows EXACTLY why my face is red!)

I pursed my lips. Giles looked at me lovingly even then.
Giles "I'm sorry. That wasn't very nice of me."
Jily "It looks like you're enjoying it though."
Giles "Of course I am. You're just too cute when you're pretending to be mad at me."
His voice sounded like honey as he whispered that into my ear.
Giles "There's something I want to see with you, but for now...
Giles "Let me stay with you like this, for just a while longer."
I dramatically sighed and kissed him back to tell him that it was okay.


After some time, we took a walk along the beach.
The sun was slowly setting in the horizon.
Jily "It's so beautiful that I almost feel bad that we're the only ones who get to see this scenery."
Giles "Yes."
Jily "Was your wish to see this sunset?"
Giles "It was. I happened to see this last time I came here.
Giles "And I wanted to see it with you again."
I took Giles's hand and curled my fingers around it.
Then I slid my gaze from the sunset to Giles.
Jily "Today might be one of the best days of my life."
Giles "I was thinking the same thing."
Giles put his free hand against my cheek, lightly brushing his thumb against my lips.
Giles "Just like how we have this sunset all to ourselves...
Giles "Can I have you all to myself tonight?"
Jily "You can have me all to yourself and many days after."
I closed my eyes, inviting Giles for another kiss.
It didn't take longer than a heartbeat for him to oblige...



Reward for 350 Insignia Louis's Bonus Story




Reward for 410 Insignia Rayvis's Bonus Story






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