
【Main Route Garden Gacha】






◆Prelude to Love◆
《Make Use of Her》


Rayvis was sitting in a carriage that was heading into the town near Wysteria Palace.
The princess was sitting across from him, and she inclined her head politely.
Jily "Thank you very much, Mister Harneit."
She seemed unusually timid, and he frowned in confusion.
Rayvis "Call me Rayvis.
Rayvis "You're the princess. You don't have to be so formal with me—or anyone."
Jily "Okay. Thanks."
Now she just sounded uncomfortable, and he studied her.
It was clear that she wasn't used to carrying herself like a princess, not at all.

(I suppose that's only to be expected.)

He'd overheard someone mentioning that the princess was a commoner, a local woman from the town.

(That said, to accept help from a man she's never met like this—
(She clearly still has no awareness at all of what it means to have been chosen as the princess.)

He was amazed at how open and trusting she was.

(Then again, since she IS the princess now—
(I may be able to make use of her.)

He was still mulling this over when she spoke again, her voice curious.
Jily "Rayvis, can I ask how—"
But before she could finish her question—
Jily "Waaah!"

(What the—)

Suddenly the carriage swayed and jolted, and Jily fell towards him.
Rayvis caught her in his arms, supporting her before she fell any further.

(We must've hit a rock or something.)

He looked down at her, but she didn't seem to be in pain, and he couldn't see any injuries.
She looked more stunned than anything.

(You clearly weren't paying any attention.)

Rayvis "You should hold on. It's dangerous."
He frowned as he spoke, and she looked up at him with a start.
Jily "Oh—"


Jily stared up at him, her eyes growing gradually wider and wider.
Their faces were very close, and he could see the faint flush spreading across her cheeks.

(That's not the sort of expression a princess should ever be showing.)

Her gaze was clear and innocent, filled with wonder.
He could feel her trembling slightly as she continued to cling to him, staring up into his eyes.
He sighed softly, wondering what was going through her head.
Rayvis "Are you planning to stay there all night?"
Jily "What—"
Rayvis "I can't move about with you right there."
She started suddenly, and seemed to realize exactly where she was at last.
A moment later she was scrabbling out of his grasp.
Jily "I'm so sorry!!"
She moved with lightning speed back into her seat.
He watched in silence as she clenched her hands in her skirts, avoiding his gaze.

(You're not the sharpest tack in the box, are you?)

He sighed to himself, turning to look out the window again.
Then he remembered that she'd started to ask him something before the carriage had swayed so badly.
Rayvis "You were about to say something, a moment ago?"
Jily "Oh—I was just wondering how you knew that I'm the princess."


Rayvis "You don't know what that choker means, then?"
Jily "I'm sorry?"
Rayvis frowned as he watched her reach up to touch the choker.
Rayvis "That symbolizes that you're the princess. Considering that you're wearing it, I thought you'd know."
Rayvis had taken the time to read up on Wysteria and its customs before visiting.
He'd read all about their princess system, and the choker that symbolized the princess.
It was a system that was unique to Wysteria, and he still remembered his surprise.
Jily "It's not that I didn't know—I was just so flustered I forgot about it."
Rayvis "You don't need to explain yourself to me."

(It doesn't really matter if you know what the choker means, but—
(You clearly haven't realized how different your world is now.)

He opened his mouth and spoke, almost without thinking.
Rayvis "That said, to be sneaking out of the palace the same day you're chosen—
Rayvis "You're not really aware of what it means to be the princess yet, are you?"
Jily "I'm... sorry?"
She looked startled and confused, but he ignored her reaction and went on.
Rayvis "Being the princess means being a representative of the king.
Rayvis "The way you look at the world around you will change. And you'll never be able to live freely again, not the way you used to."
A sudden memory from his youth flashed through his mind.
An elderly gentleman opened a door and showed Rayvis into a room.
Elderly Gentleman "Starting today, this will be your room."
As soon as Rayvis stepped into the room, the man turned away.
Rayvis "Um—"
Elderly Gentleman "You will live here as a member of the Harneit family. And you will obey my commands."
The door to the room had seemed so much bigger to him then,
and the noise it had made as it had slammed shut was overwhelming.
It was strange how the young woman in front of him reminded him so strongly of his childhood.

(Your world has changed, and now your thoughts and actions with others must change as well, and yet—you're too reckless.
(But that doesn't mean I have to be the one to explain it to you, does it?)

He wanted to detach himself from the situation, and yet the words kept coming of their own volition.
Rayvis "Your decision to sneak out at night with only an attendant to guard you was a mistake in and of itself."
He'd spent enough time patrolling with the nightwatch to know how dangerous the streets could be at night.
Jily "Is that why you came with me?"
She met his gaze boldly, those eyes clear and guileless again.
He felt somehow as if she was trying to pry into his personal thoughts.

(You're messing with my head.)

He kept his voice was as cool and distant as ever as he replied,
Rayvis "I'm just assisting the princess."
Jily "What?"
Rayvis "A princess needs to look beyond her immediate emotions and consider what best helps her future interests."

(I thought I might be able to make use of you, but—
(I'm starting to think that was a miscalculation on my part.)

A moment later the wheels slowed under them as the carriage came to a stop...



◆Love's Refrain◆
《The Most Surprising Things》


As Rayvis finished talking about his past, he realized something.
Rayvis "You're the first one I've ever spoken to about this."
Moana "Really?"
Rayvis "Yes. When I first started working with you, I only intended to use you to find Robert.
Rayvis "I never intended to tell you anything about why I was looking for him.
Rayvis "And I never intended to carelessly put myself in a position where I'd owe you anything."
He'd always felt strongly that he didn't want to be pitied or sympathized with.

(It was easier to only care about mutual interests... or so I thought.)

Rayvis "Yet here I am, telling you all this, and I don't even know why."

(It's strange, but—I felt as if I really wanted to tell you.
(I thought I was just using you as the princess, and yet I was wrong.
(I don't even know how it happened, but—it's not just about aligned interests anymore.
(You always say the most surprising things, and I can't seem to take my eyes off you.
(Ever since that day.)

Moana "You can be surprisingly passionate about things."

It had been at the ball, and she'd gazed up at him with such bright, curious eyes as she spoke.
It was as if she'd just casually pointed out a part of him he hadn't even known existed.

(And it's strange that I didn't hate what you said, either.)

He studied her where she sat across from him, still unable to make sense of how he felt about her.
Her expression was grave as she said softly,
Moana "Thank you for telling me your story.
Moana "And also, I'm sorry. I never imagined that might be your reason."
Rayvis "It's fine."
He spoke brusquely, trying to distance himself from his own thoughts.
Rayvis "I no longer have anything left that I care about.
Rayvis "I just want to know the real reason why my family died."
His parents' death had been the one thing still weighing heavy on his heart all these years.

(The past is the past. All I need is to just find out the truth so I can put it behind me.)

Moana's quiet, sorrowful voice broke the heavy silence.
Moana "There are people who care about you, Rayvis."
Rayvis "What?"

(What does that even mean?)

Rayvis stared at her in confusion, not sure what to think.
Moana "Your attendant told me that he thinks you distrust the servants because of how they treated you.
Moana "I could see how much he regretted that, and I got the impression he really cares about you."

(I didn't know he felt that way.)

He'd never even tried to get to know his attendant, and the words seemed to come out of nowhere.
He was struck silent as they echoed round and round in his head.
Moana continued to speak, her voice trembling slightly.
Moana "So... please don't say something so sad and lonely, and act as if it were no big deal."

(Why are you looking at me like that?)

Her eyes were wide and sparkling as she stared at him.
As he watched, a single tear slid down her cheek.
Rayvis "You—"
His body seemed to move of his own accord the moment he saw that she was crying.
Moana "What?"
Rayvis stood up and moved over to sit next to her on the sofa.
He touched her cheek, gently wiping her tears away.
Rayvis "Why are you crying?
Rayvis "You're a strange one."

(I don't even understand how you can cry in front of anyone. And—
(I don't understand why I'm sitting here wiping those tears away.
(Being with you really messes with my head.)

He stared at her in confusion, and she looked up at him through her tears.
Moana "I'm crying for you."

(For me?)

Her words seemed to pierce right through him.

(I've never known anyone as kind-hearted as you.
(You're the only one who would ever cry for me.)

His surprise slowly morphed into something warm and tender that seemed to fill him up inside.
He smiled at her, brushing away more of her tears.
Rayvis "You really are the only person who'd say something like that."
He heard her catch her breath, her eyes widening slightly.
She began to blush a little as she continued to stare up at him.
There was something about the look in her eyes that made his heart clench.
Rayvis "You really are strange, you know."

(But maybe I'm strange as well.
(When you look at me like that—I don't want you to stop.)

Without even thinking, he wrapped her in his arms, holding her close to him.
He leaned over, pressing his lips lightly against the top of her head.


He pulled back with a start, only to find her staring up at him in surprise.
It was only then that he fully realized that he'd just kissed the top of her head.

(What am I doing?)

Rayvis looked away, not wanting to let those big, beautiful eyes confuse him any further.
He let go of her again and leaned back as he said,
Rayvis "You're not crying anymore."
He did his best to keep his voice calm, wishing he could do the same about his thoughts.
But the warmth of her still lingered in his arms, and on his lips.
Moana "No. I'm sorry. And also—thank you."
Rayvis "It's fine."
He spoke a little too gruffly, trying to cover up his confusion.
But a certainty was growing deep inside him.

(I know the answer. I've just been trying to ignore it all this time.)

Moana "Rayvis—I will make use of you."

Moana "Well, I was just thinking, you only brought this up because you know the value of working hard.
Moana "And I think only people who actually have the drive to work hard themselves are able to properly understand that."

Moana "Thank you. You're very kind."

(I never expected this. But everything about you is unexpected.)

He laughed wryly to himself as he faced up to what he was feeling at last.

(I love you, Moana.)

She'd sparked something inside him, and now the flame was burning bright and fierce.
Whatever else happened, he knew he could no longer ignore what he felt for her...



◆Finale of Fervor - Sugar◆
《Now and Forever》


The stars were shining brightly in the sky overhead.
Rayvis told Jily about what had happened while they'd been apart,
and a bright, joyful smile lit up her face.
Jily "Thank you—really, thank you."
Her eyes were shining, and her voice trembled slightly with emotion.
She looked so beautiful in that moment, and all the love he felt for her welled up inside him.

(I've finally found you.)

She was standing right there, listening intently as he told her all that had happened.
At last it finally felt real. He was with her again.

(There are so many things I want to say, but first—)

Rayvis smiled suddenly as he looked her in the eye.
Rayvis "You already thanked me.
Rayvis "But more importantly—"
Rayvis slowly leaned towards Jily, watching as her eyes widened.
He pressed his forehead against hers, staring right into her eyes.
The motion pushed her back against the door, and she leaned into it as he leaned against her.
Rayvis "Disappearing like that was hardly playing fair, you know."
Her eyes filled with sadness at his words, and then they dropped away.
Jily "At the time I felt like I had no other choice."

(I remember what you said.)

Rayvis "You're not planning anything strange, are you?"
Jily "I'm not planning anything strange."

It was the last time they'd seen each other, and something had felt wrong even then.
But although she'd clearly been upset, she'd refused to tell him anything.
At the time, he hadn't had the heart to push her about it.

(But looking back now, I regret not forcing you to tell me.
(That's why I never gave up—and why I came after you.
(I don't want you to have to go through anything like that ever again.)

Rayvis "That's not like you at all."
Jily "How so?"
She was startled enough to meet his gaze again, and he smiled at her.

(Your kindness and your strength made me feel that way. And yet—)

Rayvis "Strength doesn't lie in doing things alone, but in working with those around you.
Rayvis "You taught me that, and yet somehow you forgot it at the most important moment.
Rayvis "It's like you lost who you were."

(And I love you as you are. I don't want you to forget what makes you strong.)

Her eyes seemed to tremble at his words, her expression changing suddenly.
Then it relaxed slowly, a faint smile crossing her face.
Jily "You're right. But you've reminded me, now.
Jily "Thank you."
She looked so gentle and sweet in that moment, her eyes shining with happiness.
He wanted to lock that image of her away in his heart forever.

(That's the Jily I've been waiting to see, all this time.)

He had to laugh at himself and how easily she'd captivated him so completely.
Rayvis "I told you, you've already thanked me. It's fine.
Rayvis "But what I really want to know is... how you feel about me."
He spoke the words softly, not daring to look away even for a moment.

(It's not enough just to see your face, or to hold you like this.
(You are... never enough.)

He stared at her, his feelings a spiraling mess as he waiting for her to speak.
Her smile widened slowly, and that seemed enough, but then she spoke.
Jily "I love you."
Her eyes were burning bright with emotion, the same emotion he was feeling deep inside.
Her words settled deep in his heart, filling him with sudden, aching joy.

(I will never forget how you look right now, for as long as I live.)

Rayvis pulled her into his arms, wanting to feel her warmth against him.
He captured her lips in a kiss, desperate, needy, wanting to taste her.
She was just as warm and sweet as he remembered, and he let the kiss linger, wanting the moment to last.
He could feel her clinging to his arms even as her body trembled against his.
At last their lips parted, and he realized they were both panting softly.
Rayvis "Don't ever disappear like that again. I thought you didn't want to be mine anymore."
Jily "I do!"

(This moment right now, with you here in my arms—
(This is what they call true happiness, isn't it?)

Jily reached up and wrapped her arms tightly around Rayvis, burying her face in his chest.


A week later—
Rayvis was visiting Jily at her new home.
He told her a story about how Rook had helped the nightwatch catch a criminal a few days earlier.
Jily "Wow, I can't believe that happened! So I guess that means Rook is a member of the nightwatch now?"
Rayvis "Yes, he is."
They'd had a lot to talk about during his first visit.
Eventually they'd decided that he would visit her in her new home on the same day every week.

(But you must be feeling lonely the rest of the time, and I hate that.)

Rayvis knew very well the pain of having to leave the only place you'd ever called home.

(That's why I want to tell you this.)

He'd made up his mind already, and he opened his mouth to speak.

(Hang on—)

Rayvis "Is something wrong?"
Jily was staring up at him, her eyes wide.
Jily "No, it's nothing."
Her voice was slightly hoarse, and he thought he saw the glimmer of tears in her eyes.

(You're such a bad liar.)

Jily "Oh look, the tea went cold! I'll put on a fresh pot."
Jily turned away from him, reaching for the teapot.
Rayvis "Wait."
Rayvis reached out and caught hold of her hand, leaning in to kiss her lightly on the lips.
Jily "Where did that come from?"
Rayvis "I just felt like it."
He reached up to wipe away the few tears that had escaped.
She looked up at him, a soft, wry laugh escaping her.

(I don't like making you cry, but—
(I don't think these are tears of sorrow.)

There was a smile on her lips, and the look in her eyes was one of happiness.
She was never one to hide her feelings, and her expressions were so easy to read.
It was one of the many things he loved about her.

(You are the most important person in my life, and I'm not going to leave you like this.)

He reached out and took both her hands in his, squeezing them gently.
Rayvis "Once all the excitement dies down, I will come for you.
Rayvis "I want you to live with me."
He'd been waiting to say those words all day, and his voice was faintly hoarse.
She stared up at him as if he'd stunned her into silence.
Then joy blossomed across her face, her eyes suddenly shining.
Jily "I'd like that!"
Relief flooded through him, and he pulled her into his arms, kissing her softly.

(I don't care how long it takes. I won't ever give up until I find a way to be with you.
(I love you, and I will love you forever.)

The bright sunlight from the window seemed to light them both up,
and the blue sky beyond stretched all the way to Wysteria, and further still, to Stein...



◆Finale of Fervor - Honey◆
《Never Let Go》


The engagement ceremony was finally over, and so was the party.
Rayvis and Jily retired to the new chambers that had been prepared for them.

(I can't believe they've already prepared a room for us. They've been working hard.
(I bet I know who it was, too.)

He smirked to himself, picturing the faces of Giles, Leo and Nico in his mind.

(I don't really mind, though.)

It reminded him all over again that he'd be spending the rest of his life with Jily.
The thought was like a warm, comforting light, flickering deep in his heart.
He realized then that Jily was staring at him, and he turned towards her.
Rayvis "What's the matter?"
Jily "Nothing! I was just—awed by how beautiful the room is."

(You haven't said a word since we stepped into the room.
(And I think you're blushing.)

Her flustered words gave themselves up as a lie immediately,
and he smiled at her rosy cheeks and the way she turned awkwardly away from him.

(But I'm not letting you go that easily.)

Rayvis "Where are you going?"
Rayvis reached out and caught hold of Jily's hand, pulling her into his arms.
She looked up at him in surprise, her breath catching in her throat.
Her body was pressed close against his, and he could feel how fast her heart was beating.
For a long moment they simply stared at each other.

(You are so beautiful right now.)

Her hair framed her face, and her eyes were bright with emotion.
Longing welled up inside of him, and he smiled down at her.
Rayvis "I've finally got you all to myself.
Rayvis "Why are you running away?"
He murmured the words in her ear, keeping his voice light and teasing.
Rayvis "Or don't you want to be alone with me?"
He allowed himself a faint mock-pout, and he saw a faint smile creep across her lips.
She lifted her head, looking directly into his eyes as she said,
Jily "You're the only one I ever want to be alone with."
He could see the desire simmering in her gaze, as if his own need was reflected there.
Warmth flooded through him, pooling deep in his belly.

(Here I thought that I was teasing you.
(But now I think you're teasing me too.)

He slid his hand behind her head as his lips found hers.
He kissed her again and again, their bodies moving together until she ended up pressed up against the wall.
Rayvis "You should've said that right at the start, then."
He pulled back slightly and turned to murmur the words in her ear.
Then he reached up slowly, toying with the sleeves of her dress.
He began to slide her dress down her arms, baring her skin.
She gasped softly as he trailed his fingers back and forth across her collarbone and down her arm.
He leaned closer, pressing his lips against her bared shoulder, kissing and licking her skin.
She tilted her head back to give him better access.

(Now that the ceremony is over, it finally feels real that we're engaged, and—
(That makes me want you more than ever.)

He pressed his body up against hers, wanting desperately to feel her warmth.
He kissed and suckled her neck and shoulder, loving the taste of her and the way she trembled in response.
She was panting and moaning softly, the sound music to his ears.
Then suddenly the sound stopped, and he glanced over and saw that she was biting her lip.
He lifted his head, looking her in the eye as he said,
Rayvis "You don't need to hide anything from me.
Rayvis "Not your voice, and not those beautiful expressions."

(I want to remember everything tonight, and I don't want us to hide anything from each other.)

She turned her gaze towards him, and he saw the glimmer of doubt in her eyes.
Rayvis "If you're still feeling self-conscious around me,
Rayvis "I guess I'll have to make you feel so good that you'll forget everything but me."
Rayvis grinned suddenly, lowering his lips towards her breasts.
Jily "Ohhhhh—Rayvis—"
He loved the way his name sounded in that breathy, desperate voice.
He peppered kisses along the tops of Jily's breasts, sliding her dress lower still.
At last he gave a swift tug, and suddenly her dress slid to the floor.
Jily "Rayvis—please—"
Rayvis "As you wish."

(You're all I want right now, and I'm so glad you want me too.)

He trailed kisses across her bare skin even as his fingers slid lower, caressing and stroking her.
She lifted her hands towards him, and he smiled at the look in her eyes.

(You really are perfect for me.)

He reached out and twined his fingers with hers.
Rayvis "I love you, Jily."
Jily "I love you so much, Rayvis."
Rayvis "Good."
Rayvis began to strip off his clothes, pressing their warm, needy bodies together.


After several hours of passion—
Rayvis and Jily lay snuggled up together in their new bed.
Rayvis was just starting to fall asleep when her voice broke the silence.
Jily "So... let's do amazing things together."
Rayvis "Where did that come from?"
Rayvis laughed softly, and Jily grinned at him in response.
Jily "I guess I just wanted to say it."

(There are some things worth saying, I suppose.)

He suddenly remembered some of the things she'd said to him in the past.

Jily "You can be surprisingly passionate about things.
Jily "I was just thinking, you only brought this up because you know the value of working hard.
Jily "And I think only people who actually have the drive to work hard themselves are able to properly understand that."

Jily "I wonder if you get that passionate side of you from your parents?"
Rayvis "I'm sorry?"
Jily "I don't know many people who can say so definitively how proud they are of their job.
Jily "It makes me think that they took it seriously, and had real passion for what they did.
Jily "And I've always gotten that same impression from you."

(Looking back, I realize now that you have a talent I don't think you're even aware of.
(But you just reach out and touch people's hearts, as gently and as naturally as breathing.)

Rayvis had tried so hard to avoid getting close to people, and yet somehow, he'd never been bothered by it when she did it.
All his many memories of her flashed through his mind,
and they brought him to the same conclusion they always did.
Rayvis "Then there's something I want to say, too.
Rayvis "Stay with me forever."
Jily "Oh—"
She stared up at him, and he could see sudden tears trembling in her eyes.
Rayvis "Are you going to cry again?"
He spoke gently, lifting a hand to touch her cheek, and a single tear spilled over.

(Oh, Jily. My sweet, sweet Jily...)

Rayvis "You are."
Rayvis laughed gently, wiping away each tear as it fell.
Jily "I don't mind these tears.
Jily "They're happy tears. What you said made me happy."

(I know.)

In spite of her tears, she was smiling brightly up at him.
The happiness she was feeling was written clear across her face.
Jily took hold of both his hands, lifting them to cup her cheeks.
Jily "I love you, Rayvis.
Jily "I want to be with you forever."

(I never imagined I'd fall in love with someone I was just planning to use to further my own goals.)

Yet the thought comforted him, filling him with satisfaction.

(I love you, and I will never let go of that.)

She was the most important person in his life now, and he wrapped her tightly in his arms.
He painted a picture of their happy future in his mind as his lips found hers again...



◆Finale of Fervor - Secret◆
《A Dream》


It was a week after the engagement ceremony had been held.
Rayvis was finally starting to get used to the idea of being a prince consort, and all the work it entailed.
Leo "I brought the documents you wanted."
Leo knocked at the study door, smiling as he stepped inside.
Rayvis had begun to rely on Leo to help him with his work,
and somewhere along the way they'd gotten more comfortable with each other.
Rayvis "Thanks."
The documents summarized the bureaucrats' opinions on the policy he was working on, and he glanced over them.
But then Leo's voice interrupted him.
Leo "You know, I noticed something earlier.
Leo "Something about Jily."
Rayvis "Jily?"
Rayvis stopped reading the documents immediately, looking up at Leo.
Rayvis "Did something happen?"
Leo's expression turned serious, and he quickly went on.
Leo "She seemed different than usual during her lesson."

(She was her usual self this morning. I wonder what happened?)

Rayvis frowned faintly, but then Leo smiled suddenly, his expression mischievous.
Leo "Her eyes were all red, like maybe she didn't get enough sleep.
Leo "You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"
His voice was heavy with suggestion, and Rayvis sighed softly.

(You're teasing me, aren't you?)

It was true that they'd gone to sleep very late the night before.
By the time he'd drifted off, the sky was starting to grow light outside.

(But I'm not going to go out of my way to tell YOU that.)

Rayvis "Doesn't ring a bell. Maybe she had a bad dream?"
Leo "You think?"
Rayvis spoke blandly, and Leo grinned delightedly in return.


Late that evening—
Rayvis woke up suddenly, and realized that the warmth that should have been next to him in the bed was gone.


He looked around the dark room, and noticed that the door to the balcony was slightly open.

(Did you go outside?)

Rayvis pulled on his shirt and pants, and quietly crossed the room.
He pushed open the door and stepped out onto the balcony.

(There you are.)

Jily was leaning on the balcony railing, clad only in her nightgown.
She was staring out into the night, where the faint glimmer of lights from the town could be seen.

(Don't tell me you really did have a bad dream?)

He thought back to his conversation with Leo as he approached her.
He stepped up behind her, putting his hands on the railings on either side of her hands.
Rayvis "Jily."
Jily jumped slightly, and turned to look at him.
Jily "Oh! Rayvis, you startled me."
Rayvis "You're going to catch a cold if you come out here in your nightgown at this hour."
Jily "I know. I'm sorry, did I wake you?"
Rayvis "It's fine."
He smiled down at her, studying her face as he spoke.
A glimmer of moonlight reflected off her eyelashes, as if tears lingered there.

(Don't tell me—)

Rayvis leaned towards her, and she quickly turned her head away.

(So there is something wrong.)

He felt a flutter of unease in his heart, and he moved his head to catch her gaze again.
She met his eyes this time, but he saw her bite her lip, just slightly.
He was close enough now that he could see that her eyes were faintly red, as if she'd been crying.
Rayvis "Did something happen?"
Jily "It's nothing important, really.
Jily "I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd get some fresh air."

(Your expression tells me it IS something important.)

His hands were still resting on the railing next to hers,
and now he lifted them and wrapped her in his embrace.

(I don't ever want to see you looking so sad.)

Rayvis "You said something to me once before, and I feel the same way about you.
Rayvis "If you need me for anything, I want you to rely on me."

Jily "I don't want you to hide your feelings when you're with me. I want you to be open with me.
Jily "If you need me for anything, I want you to rely on me."

(I'm borrowing your words, because they're exactly how I feel.)

He smiled reassuringly down at her, holding her tight against him.
Jily stared up at him, her eyes widening with recognition.
At last her expression seemed to relax into a soft smile.
Jily "Thank you."
She hesitated a moment, and then spoke again.
Jily "I had a dream."
Rayvis "What sort of dream?"
Jily "It was a dream of that day when my carriage was attacked."

(As if I could ever forget that day.)

Rayvis "It should be fine to leave this up to the nightwatch and the Wysterian Guard.
Rayvis "But we need to get away from here."

It had been right after the awful rumors had been spread about them.
Jily was frowning, and he wondered if the images were flashing through her mind as clearly as they were through his.
Jily "Back then, I was so scared that I might never see you again.
Jily "And dreaming about it, well—I just started crying."
Her voice was faint and whispery, and it hurt his heart to hear it.

(Well, you weren't wrong—we had to be apart for a long time after that.
(But I'm never going to let anything like that happen ever again.)

He hugged her even tighter against him, as if warding off the possibility.

(It doesn't matter what happens—I'll never let you go.)

Jily "I'm sorry for worrying you over a silly dream."
Jily glanced up at him, her smile embarrassed, and he sighed softly.

(You don't need to apologize. Sometimes you worry too much about the littlest things.)

She'd dropped her gaze away again, and he wanted to see her eyes.
He turned her gently in his grasp, and pressed his forehead against hers.
Jily "Rayvis?"
Her eyes were wide, reflecting the faint moonlight as she stared up at him.
Love for her welled up inside him, and he continued to meet her gaze as he said,
Rayvis "Of course I'm worried. You're the woman I love.
Rayvis "So please—stop apologizing, and know that you can tell me anything. Anything at all.
Rayvis "Okay?"
Jily stared at him a moment longer, and then a soft laugh escaped her.
Jily "Okay."
He breathed a sigh of relief at her relaxed expression and her sweet smile.

(I want to be right here by your side, protecting you so you can always smile like that.)

Rayvis "Close your eyes."
He whispered the words, and her eyes fell shut, her lashes shadowing her cheeks.
He lifted his hand, tilting her head towards him, and kissed her softly.
Jily "Rayvis..."
She whispered his name between kisses, her voice husky.
Each time their lips parted, her breath warmed his cheek, filling his heart with a different kind of warmth.

(Interests and personal gain don't matter anymore—I'm with you simply because I love you.
(The man I was before I met you would've thought that nothing more than a foolish dream.)

Jily smiled up at him again, that unreserved, joyous smile she only shared with him.
He smiled back at her, knowing that his smile probably looked just the same.
Then he leaned in and kissed her again, a kiss even more passionate than the last...





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