英版宮殿 限定公主課程:Easter Egg Hunt Princess Lessons


Hunt for eggs with your suitor during Princess Lessons this weekend!


Happy Easter!

To celebrate, Nico has hidden eggs all over the castle.
Go hunting for them with your suitor!

Get an Excellent in Princess Lessons for a clue to finding your egg,
then shoot for an Excellent Bonus for a special scene where the egg is hidden somewhere in the background!

Can you find all seven eggs?


Each character has two versions of the special Princess Lessons,
so make sure you see all 14 outcomes before it goes away!

These scenes are only available for this 48 hour time period!
Don't miss out!

From 03/26 7:00 am until 03/28 7:00 am make sure to take Princess Lessons!



Nico:Let the Wysteria Royal Easter Egg Hunt begin!

Nico:I hid a special egg in a place you'll never find, but I'll give you one clue.

Easter is here, and to celebrate, Nico has hidden eggs all over the castle!

Will you find an egg in the stables?

In Leo's library?

In your bedroom?!

And someone unexpected may be waiting for you there as well!

Play Princess Lessons to see all the Excellent and Excellent Bonus Easter Egg Hunt scenes!
Only this weekend, until 3/28 0:00 PST!


Giles:Nico told me our egg is 'hidden in the place of most comfort.'
Giles:Hmm... Well, Princess, shall we go search?

Jily:The place of most comfort is—my room?

Giles:Leo, what are you doing in here?
Leo:I left some paperwork on the princess's desk. Why is there an egg on her bed?


Louis:Nico says our egg is hidden 'just past a secret corridor not many in the palace know.'
Louis:A secret passage? Do you know of any, Jily?

Louis:This seems like a hidden passageway—
Louis:What are you doing here?
Sid:I could ask ya the same question. I'm supposed to be the only one who comes here.
Sid:Someone put this egg in it. Take it and get outta here.
Jily:Wow. Well, I'm glad he gave us the egg.



Byron:Our clue says... 'The egg is not the only thing painted in this room.'
Byron:The people of Wysteria paint eggs?

We entered Robert's studio to find his hedgehog Amber dressed in a frilly skirt and sitting in a basket on his table.
Robert:I thought everyone would be out hunting eggs now. You've caught me setting up my next portrait.
Byron:How adorable.
Jily:Byron, I see the egg!



Sid:Okay, here's our clue:
Sid:'You'll find this egg nestled among an arc of roses'?
Sid:I still don't know how I got roped into this, but let's hit the gardens.

Jily:King Byron! I didn't think we'd come across you here, of all places.
King Byron was crouching on the grass, playing with a brown bunny.
Byron:Al's rabbit got loose and I came to collect him. He's quite fluffy.
Jily:Sid, I see the egg!



Leo:Ready to hear our clue, Jily? Nico says our egg is in... 'the room where knowledge is best accessed.'
Leo:I'm pretty sure I know where that is. Let's go!

Jily:There's the egg—Nico! What are you doing?
Leo:Are those my glasses?
Nico was wearing a very familiar pair of glasses, a surprised look on his face.
Nico:You caught me! I couldn't resist trying them on.
Leo:Maybe you should get your own pair. They look good on you.



Nico:Here's your clue! This egg is hidden among the beasts of Wysteria.
Nico:You can have another hint, if I get a kiss first!

Nico and I entered the stables to find Albert also there.
Albert:I was interested to see the types of horses Wysteria breeds.
Nico:You know, you're right by Sir Alyn's horse. Why don't you give it a pat?
Albert:I am not sure he would want me touching his horse.
Jily:Oh, I see the egg there!



Alyn:Nico gave us a clue.
Alyn:The egg is in—one of the places I haunt the most?
Alyn:That could be anywhere.

Alyn:Louis? What are you doing here?
Louis:Practicing. I'd hate for my swordfighting skills to get rusty.
Alyn:I didn't know you were so good with your sword.
Louis:I've trained since childhood.
Jily:Alyn, how are we going to get that egg down? It's up so high!



    Easter Egg Hunt Princess Lessons

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