英版宮殿 限定公主課程:Special Detective Lucky Time
Get an Excellent in Princess Lessons for a special scene to solve the mystery!
Each character has two versions of the special Princess Lessons,
so make sure you see all 14 outcomes before it goes away!
These scenes are only available for this 72 hour time period!
See if you can find out who created this mystery journal!
From 04/29 7:00 am until 05/02 7:00 am make sure to take Princess Lessons!
One day in the castle library, I was happily browsing the stacks when—
Jily:Hmm? What's this book doing here?
Jily:It looks like someone's journal. Well, maybe just a peek to see whose it is.
Jily:Wow, these sketches are beautiful!
Jily:Wait—they're all of me!
Jily:And there are poems too! Some of these are so romantic!
Jily:Who does this book belong to?
Alyn:Hmm. It sounds like you have a secret admirer.
Louis:You'd like to know who wrote these poems about you? So would I.
Byron:While I'm trained in painting, this level of skill is beyond my capabilities.
This weekend only, until 5/2 midnight PST, take Princess Lessons to find out who your secret admirer is!
Only you can coax the true artist to confess!
Giles:We do have an artist on staff here at the palace.
You've found a mysterious journal in the library!
Can you uncover who created it?
Giles:Princess. You've found a notebook filled with drawings of you?
Giles:We do have an artist on staff here at the palace.
Sid:Hey Giles, you missing anything?
Giles:Yes, I am. One of my favorite quills. I've been searching high and low.
Sid:C'mon, Giles, 'fess up. You wrote that journal about Jily.
Giles:I most certainly did not.
Giles:I prefer my poetry a little more on the... sensual side.
Louis:Oh, Jily—what's the matter?
Louis:You'd like to know who wrote these poems about you? So would I.
Louis:Come to think of it, I heard Leo bragging about his large vocabulary the other day.
Louis:But you don't need big words to write love poems.
Louis:I think I could write one for you if I tried, Jily.
Byron :Ah, Princess. This is a lovely book of poetry and drawings of you.
Byron :While I'm trained in painting, this level of skill is beyond my capabilities.
Robert:My professional opinion on the artist behind these drawings?
Robert:These sketches are remarkably lovely, but an artist by trade did not make them.
Byron:Maybe I should try my hand at sketching you sometime, Jily.
Leo:You found a book of love poems and drawings of you?
Leo:Maybe you should try asking Alyn. He may not look it, but he has a romantic side.
Robert:What are some of my charcoals doing in your library, Leo?
Jily:Leo! It was you?
Leo:Let's just say you're my new muse, Jily.
Sid:You wanna know who wrote this secret journal about you?
Sid:Yaknow, Giles was looking awfully rattled earlier. Like he'd lost something.
Sid:You wouldn't mind if I wrote poetry about you?
Sid:Ya gotta be kidding me...
Sid:Well, if it's for you, I could give it a shot. But don't laugh.
Alyn:So you found a book of poems and drawings about you in the castle library.
Alyn:Hmm. It sounds like you have a secret admirer.
Alyn:Leo told you I might have written the poems?
Alyn:He could not be more wrong.
Leo:C'mon, Alyn. You know you're a romantic at heart.
Alyn:I wouldn't do anything so public.
Nico:Ooh, someone wrote a book of love poetry about you?
Nico:Well, I know Al didn't write these poems. They're not dry and boring enough!
Albert:I'll have you know I can be quite the poet.
Nico:Oh yeah? Why don't we face off right here then?
Nico:Whoever writes the best poem about the princess gets a kiss!
Jily:Hey! Don't just decide that on your own!